Which Country Eats Most Ketchup?

When it comes to condiments, ketchup stands out as a worldwide favorite. This versatile sauce, typically made from tomatoes, vinegar, sweeteners, and an assortment of seasonings, has found a home in cuisines across the globe. But have you ever wondered which country consumes the most ketchup? In this article, we will embark on a mouthwatering journey, ranking the top ten nations with the highest ketchup consumption. From the burgers of America to the fries of Belgium, prepare to find out the countries that just can’t get enough of this tangy, sweet condiment, and their preferred brands of ketchup. With the likes of Heinz, Hunts, Trader Joe and Sir Kensingtons vying for the top spot, let’s dig in!

What Is Ketchup?

Before we dig into the top ten list, let’s first define what ketchup is. Although the exact origin of ketchup is disputed, it is believed to have originated in China as a fermented fish sauce and eventually evolved into what we know today as tomato-based ketchup in the United States. This popular condiment can be found in various forms around the world, including curry ketchup in Germany, banana ketchup in the Philippines, and spicy tomato ketchup in India. However, the classic tomato-based version remains the most widely consumed.

Is Ketchup Good For You?

While ketchup may be delicious, it is often criticized for its high sugar and sodium content. However, it does provide some nutritional value as it contains lycopene, an antioxidant found in cooked tomatoes that may help protect against certain types of cancers. Nevertheless, moderation is key when consuming this condiment. Now, let’s dive into the top ten countries with the highest ketchup consumption.

Top 10 Countries with Highest Ketchup Consumption

Without further ado, let’s dive into the list of top ten countries that consume the most ketchup per capita. Data for this ranking was obtained from the World Atlas, and the consumption is measured in pounds per person annually.

United States

It should come as no surprise that the United States tops the list, with an annual ketchup consumption of 71.4 pounds per person. The country’s love for this condiment is evident in its widespread use on burgers, fries, hot dogs, and more. And when it comes to preferred brands, Heinz reigns supreme.


Next up is Canada with a ketchup consumption of 44 pounds per person annually. Like their southern neighbors, Canadians also favor Heinz as their go-to brand.

United Kingdom

The UK takes the third spot on our list, with an annual ketchup consumption of 36 pounds per person. Interestingly, while Heinz is still popular, a British brand called ‘Heinz Salad Cream’ has gained a cult following in the country.


Mexico, known for its spicy cuisine, surprisingly loves ketchup, with an annual consumption of 34 pounds per person. Their preferred brand is Heinz’s Mexican-style ketchup with added spices and chili peppers.

South Korea

South Koreans consume 11.7 pounds of ketchup per person annually, earning them the fifth spot on our list. The country’s love for ketchup is attributed to its use in Korean fried chicken dishes, and the brand that dominates the market is CJ CheilJedang.


Japan may not be known for its ketchup consumption, but it still ranks sixth on the list with 10.3 pounds per person annually. Japanese people enjoy ketchup on dishes like curry and omelets, and their preferred brand is Kagome.


In seventh place is Brazil, with an annual ketchup consumption of 7.9 pounds per person. The country’s go-to brand is Heinz, but a local brand called Quero has also gained popularity in recent years.


French cuisine may be known for its sophistication, but it still finds a place for ketchup. The country ranks eighth on our list with 6.3 pounds per person annually. Heinz has a strong presence in France, but some locals prefer the French brand Amora.


Belgium is famous for its fries, and ketchup is an essential accompaniment to this beloved snack. The country consumes 4.6 pounds of ketchup per person annually, and their favorite brand is D&L.


Last but not least is Germany with an annual ketchup consumption of 4.5 pounds per person. Germans love currywurst, a popular street food dish made with ketchup, making it the preferred condiment in the country. Their go-to brand is Develey.

How Is Ketchup Made?

While we’re on the topic of ketchup, let’s briefly explore how this beloved condiment is made. The process involves cooking down tomatoes until they are soft, adding ingredients like vinegar and spices, and then blending it into a smooth sauce. The mixture is then heated to thicken it, after which it can be bottled and sold.

In Conclusion

Ketchup may have originated in China, but it has found a special place in the hearts and palates of people around the world. From America’s obsession with Heinz to Germany’s love for currywurst, ketchup has become an essential part of many cuisines. So next time you reach for that bottle of ketchup, remember these top ten countries and their preferred brands. Did your country make the list? Let us know in the comments below! So there you have it – a mouthwatering journey through the top ten countries with the highest ketchup consumption. Whether you prefer your ketchup on fries or burgers, one thing is for sure – this beloved condiment is here to stay. So go ahead, indulge in that ketchup guilt-free (in moderation, of course). Happy dipping! Bon appétit!